Schedule this webinar for your school or community organization!
Click here to learn about pricing and available dates
Worried about how much time your kids are spending online? Concerned they will be exposed to sex, violence and risky behaviours? Worried about cyberbullying, online harassment and predators? Afraid they will never willingly put down the iPad and go outside, move their bodies or hang out with friends in person?
You aren’t alone. Our children are digital natives, growing up in a wired world we could never have imagined during our own school years. The coronavirus epidemic has further amplified and magnified these effects, as kids and teens spend more time online for school and socializing, while parents often feel uncertain about the impact this may be having on their mental and physical health.
It’s clear to education and public health experts that digital technology has fundamentally altered the way kids socialize with friends, do their schoolwork, learn about the world and communicate with others.
The vast opportunities offered by these technologies come with a set of challenges and responsibilities. We must teach our kids to put them to use in ways that are creative and productive, but also safe and responsible. This interactive parenting workshop lay the groundwork for you to guide them in understanding these challenges and making healthier choices when it comes to screen time, use of social media, gaming, and interaction online.

This practical discussion will cover the following:
• What is “too much” screen time? How to find a balance between screentime and real life
• Learn what it means to be a good “digital citizen”
• Understand how technology can impact their sleep, homework, time with friends, and engagement with the world around them
• The steps they can take to protect themselves from harassment, identity theft, cyberbullying and more
• What are some warning signs of dangerous activity online?
• What to do if you or someone you know is being cyberbullied, harassed or targeted online
• How to build positive online “footprints” for future school and job applications
• How to talk about sexting and online porn with your kids.
Click here to register for the Wednesday, Sept. 16th Zoom webinar presentation of this workshop (7:30 pm EDT). Any individuals or families for whom the $11.50 (tax included) fee is a hardship can contact me here, as a number of pro bono tickets have been set aside.
To discuss how this workshop can be customized for the needs of your school or community organization, contact us here.
View our other Fall 2020 Parenting Workshops here.
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