Turning Students Into Digital Students: Classroom Approaches that Emphasize Creative Skills, Safety and Responsibility
Who is this for? Elementary and high school teachers.
How long? 90 min (presentation and Q&A) to half-day (presentation, Q&A and activities)
We’ve all heard stories, true or not, about how kids and teens have misused the Internet and gotten themselves or others into trouble. And unlike the social pain of the schoolyard, these taunts are written in ink online. They follow kids over years, to new schools and new towns. They become a part of their digital footprint, notoriously difficult to edit. The Digital Citizenship Program (DCP) is all about meeting technology head-on, teaching kids how to become safe, responsible users, producers and consumers of material online. Each of its elements is worth considering for how it can be implemented in the classroom. After a brief discussion of how these can be incorporated into different lesson plans, we will break two of them (Digital Responsibilities and Digital Health and Wellness) down into classroom activities that can be tailored for different ages.
At the end of this workshop you will be able to transform Ribble and Bailey’s 9 elements of digital citizenship into concrete classroom activities, whether in media studies, language arts, or as part of other cross-curricular projects.