Category Archives: Observations

Helping our kids in times of crisis

Broken seedlingToday’s post is guest-authored by Corrie Sirota-Frankel M.S.W, P.S.W

It’s been a couple of weeks since the Boston bombings occurred and I still find myself mesmerized by the images we saw on TV and the Internet. It can be hard to look away from such scenes of panic, fear and destruction, and many of us feel the need to watch them over and over again as we try and make sense of such random violence? Now, please do not misunderstand me, it is precisely in times of crisis that we seek connection, to equip ourselves with as much information as possible in an effort to process such things, and/or to compensate for our lack of control, or simply to be in the know.

My concern with this behavior is what message are we sending our kids?

When adversity strikes, you tend to see hard-wired patterns of response in the adults. Too many people react with denial when it comes to their kids. They want to shield them from learning about bad things that happen. That’s understandable.

As parents, most of us feel a strong sense of responsibility to help, support, teach and guide our children. However, because we also have an innate need to protect our children, it is only natural that we TRY to keep our kids away from life’s more tragic and difficult moments.  It is important to recognize that when we do this, we also rob them of an essential life skill – the opportunity to build resiliency.

Dr. Paul Stoltz, is the originator of Adversity Quotient (AQ). Dr. Stoltz brought AQ to the world through his internationally acclaimed bestselling book “Adversity Quotient: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities” (Amazon, 2002). One of Dr. Stoltz’s main messages is to help people understand that “adversity is not going away any time soon. It is the core human drama. It’s the core of your drama, and if harnessed with superior resilience, it could be the fuel cell of your success.

That said, how do we help our children cope with crisis? The best way for me to answer this question comes directly from my work as a bereavement counselor while supporting children in times of the ultimate crisis – the death of a loved one.

Let’s begin with the understanding of a simple fact: Children are not born with a fear of death and dying. The adults around them teach them this.

We send strong signals when we say, “A cemetery is no place for a child” or model our fears with comments and non-verbal behaviours that send out the message that something bad, or terrible happens at funerals. If we are to truly help the next generation support our elderly and their loved ones then we must begin by recognizing our own behaviour.

Some practical suggestions are as follows:

  • We need to use every opportunity to talk about life and death as part of our everyday routine. For example; when you purchase flowers, talk about how every living thing has a life – a beginning, a middle and an end; some lives are longer, others are shorter. It’s important that we use the correct language when we talk about death – as opposed to euphemisms, and slang words. Telling a child that someone died as a result of an accident leaves ambiguity in the mind of the child – the word accident to most children signifies urinating in their pants.
  • We need to be HONEST, SIMPLE and say it with LOVE, no sugar-coating things: “Grandma died because her heart stopped working” or “Grandpa was very, very, very sick – a sick that couldn’t be fixed”
  • Physically place yourself eye to eye; it is helpful to sit with a child, place them on your lap or kneel down to their level so that you are not towering over them as you talk together
  • Acknowledge the developmental age of the child; while I will always advocate that parents know their children best, in general, children over the age of 5 can and should be involved in the funeral process. This is the age where children start to understand that death is irreversible. Unlike the videos they are all too often exposed to where a character dies and then magically comes back to life when they watch the movie again, in real life living things do not come back to life.  Keep in mind that some children are more mature than others, some cannot sit though a funeral service while others can sit quietly.
  • Children need to have someone they can trust near them explaining what is going to happen. Ideally this should not be one of the mourners (this includes the variety of emotional reactions they may witness or they themselves may have – and remember: feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just are!).
  • Don’t wait until a funeral to bring your children to the funeral home or cemetery – Why wait? Often the first time a child enters a funeral home or cemetery is when someone close to them has died. Instead take the opportunity to bring them to a funeral when the service is not for a close relative/friend, or go visit a deceased relative at the cemetery on a nice day when you can explain what happens with a little more emotional distance.

Ultimately, helping children cope when a death occurs is comprised of three basic elements:

  1. Information: Who died, how did they die, how will this affect me?
  2. Choice: Should I attend the funeral?
  3. Support: Who is going to be there for me now?

In order to comfortably respond to our children we need to understand where our fears/phobia’s and attitudes come from. We must find the appropriate people and places to express our concerns, share our thoughts and address our needs so that the future generation understands that crisis/death are simply a part of life. In the words of Morrie Schwartz (from Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albiom) “If we can teach this to our children then we can truly die without every really going away…Death ends a life, not a relationship”.

You can find out more about Corrie by checking out her website at  or emailing her directly at




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Anti-social media: What parents need to know about postDo these jeans make me look fat? Does she really like me? Who are my real friends?

These are just some of the questions that get asked on, a social media site that allows users to invite anonymous answers. Kids put those kinds of questions out there in the hopes that they will learn the “truth” from people who don’t feel compelled to spare their feelings.

They hope the “truth” turns out to be good news: No, you don’t look fat. Yes, she truly likes you. I am your real friend xoxo.

But too often, it doesn’t work out that way.

Freed by guarantees of anonymity and emboldened by the computer screen standing between them and the person they are hurting, kids can say terrible, hurtful things. is often involved in cyberbullying incidents — from casual cruelty to death threats. There have been a number of bullying-related suicides linked to use of the site, and one British family has released a public statement asking that the site be taken down following the suicide of their 16-year-old son.

Launched in 2010 as a rival to similar sites like Formspring and Honesty Box, has since surpassed them in popularity. The Latvian-based site reportedly has over 40 million members. The site can be linked to Facebook and Twitter, so questions can be posted to friends and followers. has courted controversy because it doesn’t have any of the reporting, tracking or parental control processes you can find on other social media sites. (Click to Tweet.)

Some schools in the UK and Hong Kong have sent out letters to parents advising them not to allow their children to use

What do parents need to know?

  • Sites that allow anonymity reduce inhibitions. Kids who wouldn’t be cruel face-to-face and don’t get to see the consequences of their actions may feel justified saying hurtful things online.
  • Seriously consider telling your children they are not allowed to use For more information, stories of bullying online and support from other parents dealing with the fallout from incidents, check out this popular Facebook group:
  • Whether you allow your child to use the site or not, have a conversation with them about civility online, flaming, and how anonymity might change how people act. 
  • If you choose to allow your child to use, show them how to use the privacy tab in their settings to block anonymous posts, so that all comments are linked to the names of account holders. 
  • Users can also create a blacklist to block comments and posts from those known to be cruel and/or aggressive online. 
  • If your child chooses to link with their Facebook account, they can adjust the settings in Facebook so that posts are seen by the following: public, friends, only me or custom settings (allowing them to choose specific friends). 
  • Supervise your kids’ activities online, especially on sites such as these. At minimum, you should have their username/ password and sit down with them once in a while to monitor what’s happening online. 
  • If your child is involved in a bullying incident on, tell them not to respond. The best option is to delete the app and account. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, does not have any formal reporting mechanism, so you cannot get the perpetrator blocked by the site. 
  • For more information for parents about, consult this Webwise Guide.


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Lessons from Rheteah – how to support targets of sex-related bullying

Rheteah ParsonsThere are many terrible lessons to be learned from the tragic suicide of 17-year-old Nova Scotia teenager Rhetea Parsons, but one in particular jumped out at me. I was struck by what seemed to be the complete failure of her high school to support her in the wake of the sexually explicit pictures (depicting her alleged rape) circulated in the community.

First, a little context: in 2011, Rheteah Parsons said she was raped by four teenage boys at a house party. The circumstances of that event is the topic of another blog post to come, and many have written about what seems to be disinterested or haphazard police investigation that resulted in charges eventually being dropped.

In the aftermath of the alleged sexual assaults, the boys distributed cellphone photos of the attack, depicting (according to reports) Rheteah vomiting while being assaulted and at least one of the boys was shown smiling and giving the camera a thumbs up during sexual interactions. These photos got passed all over the school, and Rheteah was branded a slut and bullied viciously by her peers.

When the distraught teenager killed herself last week, her father attributed it to “disappointment,” not rape or bullying. Rheteah Parsons appears to have been let down by all of the institutions around her charged with her safety: her school, her community, the system of law and order.

In a digital world, the stakes and politics of bullying are magnified exponentially. The Cole Harbour, NS high school attended by Rheteah failed miserably. There are a number of things any school must do when these kinds of sexual images of students are distributed, because the students depicted (almost always girls) are extremely vulnerable to repeated bullying, coercion, blackmail and assault. (Click to tweet this.)

Those kinds of sexual images almost always put the kids at risk. From classmates. From kids at other schools. From complete strangers on the Internet.

In this new normal, it isn’t enough to sensitize kids to bullying or Internet safety. We need to talk to them about sexting. About slut-shaming. About how to respond to a peer who has suffered the indignity of having those kinds of pictures spread online. Ideally, this should begin with prevention initiatives to help them understand what it’s all about.

The Canadian Centre for Child Protection has created an excellent Resource Guide for Parents who are dealing with this kind of sexual exploitation of their children, whether their kids posted the pictures themselves or had peers do it. Click on the link to download it as a PDF. You can also view a short video about this issue here. also offers this well-written guide for kids who are dealing with sexual images online, whether it’s for themselves or a friend.

This resource guide also has excellent advice for parents of kids who perpetrate this kind of sexual exploitation of others by disseminating these images or commenting on them in anti-social ways.

All parents should look this over, whether your kids have been impacted or not.

Parent responses to the sexual exploitation of their kids online

  • Reassure your child.
  • Engage in fact-finding, but don’t feel the need to view the content. Your child may already by humiliated and horrified by its dissemination, and knowing their parent has seen it may make it even worse. 
  • Explore the steps the school can take. This will depend on whether the other parties involved are students. They can also assist in having the images deleted.
  • Address content of concern, and take steps to have it removed. The Resource Guide walks you through steps on how to do this.
  • Keep your child abreast of what is happening and collaborate in a plan for moving forward. They need to feel they are part of the solution.
  • Outline with your child the consequences for their behaviours if they were involved in the production or dissemination of the content. This may include restricting Internet and cellphone use.
  • Help them identify sympathetic and supportive friends. This is too much to deal with all alone.
  • Create a safety plan with the school. At very least, they can sensitize the other students and be vigilant for follow-up bullying or harassment.
  • Seek professional help as needed. Familiarize yourself with signs of depression and anxiety. The fallout from this kind of incident can be very long-term.

Guidelines for schools in dealing with sex-related bullying/ harassment. 

  • These students may be traumatized. They may need a plan to effectively deal with the emotional turmoil and practical fallout. Discuss with these students possible sources of strength such as family support, friends, community support, healthy activities, and counseling.
  • Help the target plan a “next steps” strategy to tap into these sources. 
  • Make sure the student also knows to report any continuing challenges.
  • Periodically check in with the student to find out how things are going. Also contact the student’s teachers to ask them to be attentive to any concerns. 
  • In any situation where a student has had a nude image distributed, It is essential to predict sexual harassment and have a plan of action to prevent and intervene. This will require ongoing, intensive support of the student depicted.
  • Respond to reports of harassment in a manner that is restorative and that also sends a clear message that such harassment will not be tolerated. 
  • Help this student enlist the help of supportive friends. Speak with the friends of this student to ask them to report to the school if problems continue or the student is showing signs of continuing distress.

More information for school personnel on dealing with this issues can be found in another resource guide, also developed by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. School and Family Approaches to Intervention and Prevention: Addressing Self/ Peer Exploitation can be ordered by clicking here.

We need to do this better. For Rheteah. For Amanda. For Audrie. For all the other girls and boys who have been victimized in this way.

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