Public parenting workshop: What parents need to know about raising their kids as digital citizens

Sexting, hacking, cyberbullying, Internet addiction – the stories about kids’ misuse of the Internet is enough to make parents despair. But there is no need for that! It’s possible critical for parents to teach their kids safe, ethical, productive and creative use of digital technologies.

Join me tomorrow evening (7:30 p.m.) at the Trafalgar School for Girls for a practical workshop for parents with clear explanations, concrete strategies and a hefty dose of empowerment. In the clip below, I explain to Global TV’s Jamie Orchard how parents can offer their kids’ guidance, even if their children’s tech skills exceed their own:

Global TV with Jamie Orchard

Alissa Sklar Ph.D. speaks with Global TV’s Jamie Orchard about parents, kids and the safe, productive use of digital technologies.

We will look at what the research tells us in terms of effective guidelines for parents on email, password safety, actively monitoring our Google “footprint,” sexting and more. We will also cover the important ways schools can must  be teaching students how to be creative, productive and prepared online, so they are best prepared to meet the demands of college program admissions, job applications and the many, many careers that will require digital knowledge and skills.

You can read more about the Trafalgar presentation here – it is free and open to all parents (not just those with kids at Traf). RSVP:

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